Throughout the years, I've been fortunate enough to discuss mental health in video games and geek culture in various settings. I've conducted formal training sessions for organizations, participated in convention panels, provided online training, and participated in interviews and podcasts.
The intersection of video games, geek culture, and how they relate to mental health is a topic that I'm genuinely passionate about. I look forward to continuing on this journey and exploring this topic further.
Here's a brief list of some of my accomplishments over the years:
Peer Support, Wounded Warrior Project June 24, 2022 - Dallas, TX USA
Cultural Competency and Therapy - Mount Allison Wellness Team, January 27, 2023, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB Canada
The Importance of Communication in Raids - PAX East, March 27, 2023, Boston, MA, USA
How Our Favorite Characters Have Real Work Impacts On Us: A Look Into Fictional Characters and ParaScocial Relationships -, Hal-Con, October 27, 2023, Halifax NS Canada
Gearing Up For Your Journey - Mental Health Items and Inventory Management, Hal-Con, October 27, 2023, Halifax, NS Canada
Geek Cultural Competency and Therapy - College of Psychologist of New Brunswick, February 21, 2024, Dieppe, NB, Canada
How Our Favorite Characters Have Real Work Impacts On Us: A Look Into Fictional Characters and ParaScocial Relationships - PAX East, March 22, 2024, Boston, MA, USA